Cinematic visual dubbing
for authentic film localization
Let audiences everywhere experience your film the way you intended.
Your Story. Their Language.
TrueSync is an AI-powered visual dubbing tool.
Preserve your original story in any language without enforced script or narrative changes.
No more cringeworthy dubs, get an authentic and engaging experience by giving local language VA’s and writers the space for their best performance.
TrueSync captures each actor’s performance and generates new lip movements that perfectly map to your local language.
Why TrueSync?
Deliver immersive audience experiences
Enable audiences to experience great storytelling as the filmmaker originally intended – without the distraction of bad lip syncing or subtitles.
Increase revenue
Access global audiences and unlock additional language markets by providing perfectly visually dubbed content.
Maintain script integrity
Avoid damaging script changes often made during the adaptation process of traditional dubbing.
Why Flawless?
We are working with major studios and global advertisers to provide direct access to these tools and demonstrate their immense potential. If you would prefer that we do the work for you, we also offer a range of Professional Services to support your project. We would love to work with you.
Please get in touch with our team at